PACS in France (Pacte Civil de Solidarité): What You Need to Know

PACS in France (Pacte Civil de Solidarité): What You Need to Know

by | Feb 20, 2025

Since November 1999, it has been possible for couples living in France to get a PACS, or “se Pacser”, meaning a Pacte Civil de Solidarité.

The easy way for those in the UK to understand a PACS in France, is that it is the French equivalent of a civil partnership, known as a civil solidarity pact.

PACS arrangements have become progressively more popular. In 2019, a total of 209,988 couples formed a PACS, so they are deemed to be “pacsé(s)”. PACS allows individuals to become civil partners with fewer commitments than marriage.

A key reason for the popularity of PACS is its usefulness as a financial planning tool for couples who do not wish to get married but nonetheless wish to combine their finances.

So, what exactly should you know about getting a PACS, and could it make sense for you? Below, we have set out the crucial details.

pacs france

What is a PACS in France?

PACS (Pacte Civil de Solidarité) in France is a legal civil partnership agreement that offers couples an alternative to marriage. It provides legal recognition of the partnership, along with certain financial and tax benefits, while being simpler to establish and dissolve than marriage.

A PACS may be recognised in the UK under the Civil Partnership Act 2004 as an ‘overseas relationship,’ but this does not automatically confer the same rights and responsibilities as a UK civil partnership. While it may be recognised in some contexts, such as visa applications or financial assessments, key differences remain in areas such as inheritance, financial obligations, and pension rights.

Many couples in France are attracted to the idea of having a PACS, because it enables them to formalise their household for tax and succession reasons.

What are the differences between PACS and marriage in France?

So, how exactly does a PACS arrangement differ from getting married? Here are some of the ways:

  • Marriage is considered an institution, whereas a PACS is regarded as a simple contract between two people
  • A partner in a PACS is not entitled to receive their partner’s pension, unlike the situation for married couples
  • Partners in a PACS will need to make a Will to guarantee the surviving partner will inherit their estate. This is because French intestacy rules do not give a PACS partner a right to their deceased partner’s estate
  • A PACS is not recognised in every single country in the world, whereas marriages do tend to be almost universally recognised. However, it is worth noting that the UK recognises French PACS arrangements
  • A marriage between a French national and a foreigner can provide a fast-track to French nationality, but a PACS will not do the same. A PACS agreement might, however, still help the foreign civil partner to obtain a French residency card. PACS is available to same-sex couples and provides some of the legal benefits of a marriage
  • It is possible to end a PACS unilaterally – in other words, there is no need for both members of a couple to agree to this. A civil partner in the PACS can do this at the mairie (local town hall) where the PACS agreement was first registered.

What are the rights and responsibilities of PACS couples?

As a PACS couple, you and your partner have certain rights and responsibilities under French law that are important to understand. One of the primary benefits is joint tax filing. As a PACS couple, you are considered a single household for tax purposes, often resulting in a lower income tax bill due to the “quotient familial” system.

Regarding inheritance rights, a partner in a PACS enjoys the same exemption from inheritance tax as a spouse. However, it is crucial to note that a PACS partner does not automatically inherit their estate since they have no legal entitlement. To ensure your partner inherits your assets, it is essential to make a Will.

Additionally, unlike UK civil partnerships, PACS couples in France can choose to be jointly responsible for household expenses, including debts. Thus, a PACS couple is not responsible for each other’s debts, providing greater flexibility than a UK civil partnership or marriage.

Understanding these rights and responsibilities is crucial for making informed decisions about entering into a PACS and managing your partnership under French law.

What are the financial advantages to PACS?

A big attraction of a PACS agreement is that the partners in such an agreement are taxed jointly. In other words, a PACS couple pays income tax in the same way as a married couple, thereby making the most of the “parts” system – or “quotient familial” – which, for tax purposes, normally brings about a lower income tax bill than would have been the case if the partners were taxed separately. Additionally, PACS partners can make financial claims similar to those in a marriage.

Another reason why you might decide to get a PACS, is because the partner receives the same exemption from inheritance tax as a spouse, rather than the 60% that applies between couples residing together in an informal relationship.

Furthermore, financial relief is available to PACS partners, particularly in the context of dissolution, allowing them to seek equivalent financial remedies as those available in marital divorces.

It should be noted, however, that, unlike the situation in a marriage, a partner in a PACS does not automatically inherit. I repeat, therefore, that it is crucial to make a Will if you do decide to enter into a PACS.

What are the financial disadvantages of PACS?

Once you are in a PACS, you are one “foyer” or household, which means that your combined assets are liable to wealth tax. It may be that separately, you are not subject to wealth tax, but with your combined assets, you become liable. If you are already paying wealth tax, it may cause an increase in your liability.

Of course, before deciding against a PACS for this reason, it is very important to know your potential liability and all the options for reducing or eliminating this tax, since the positives may very well outweigh the negatives.

How do we enter into a PACS civil partnership?

It is possible to get a PACS at your local town hall (mairie), or with the help of a notaire. At the mairies, a PACS is free, whereas if you elect to have a notaire draft and register a PACS for you, there is a cost for this service.

Often the best way to start, especially for a foreigner / nonFrench speaker, is to engage a notaire to draw up the contract and deal with its submission on your behalf.

The paperwork generally required:

  • A full birth certificate (showing the parent’s names) – this must be an original, less than 3 months old and translated into French by an “appointed” translator.
  • A “Certificat de Non-PACS” – a certificate proving that you are not already PACS, usually obtained from the Tribunal d’instance in Paris.
  • An acceptable official form of identity – A Passport, a Titre de séjour, or a French driving licence.
  • A “Certificat de coutume” – This basically attests to the fact that the person is not already married or in a similar agreement and has the capacity to get Pacsed. This is obtainable from the embassy/consulate. Some countries do not provide these and will merely send you a letter attesting to this fact.
  • An “Attestation sur l’honneur” attesting your capacity to be Pacsed, that you are not married or part of another similar agreement, and a further attestation of your fixed communal residence.

Naturally, if you are doing this by yourself (which we would strongly advise against) a “modèle de Pacs” can generally be found on the internet. We would recommend engaging a notaire, who can guide you through the process and can tell you exactly what paperwork you need, meaning you can rest assured that all has been completed correctly.

Dissolving a PACS Civil Partnership

Dissolving a PACS civil partnership in France is a relatively straightforward process compared to the dissolution of an English civil partnership, which typically requires a formal court process. In France, a PACS can be dissolved either through a joint declaration or a unilateral decision.

If both partners agree to dissolve the PACS, they can make a joint declaration. This can be done at the local town hall (mairie) or with the assistance of a notaire. The process is simple and does not require a court appearance.

In cases where only one partner wishes to dissolve the PACS, a unilateral decision can be made. This involves one partner attending a local notary and making a declaration to dissolve the PACS. The notary will then inform the other partner of the decision.

Being aware of the financial implications of dissolving a PACS is essential. The dissolution can involve dividing assets and liabilities, which can have significant financial consequences. Therefore, seeking legal advice to protect your rights and understand the dissolution’s full financial impact is crucial.

By understanding the process and implications of dissolving a PACS, you can make informed decisions and take the necessary steps to protect your interests.

Is a PACS the Right Thing for You?

If you want to know if a PACS is the right thing for you to do, a notaire will merely discuss the legal consequences and help you put it into place.

Ensuring being in a PACS fits as part of your overall financial planning is something that you need to discuss with a financial professional. Naturally, this is where the services of a qualified financial advisor, such as Kentingtons, can be crucial, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more or call us on 08451 23 84 23 (in the UK) or 0805 03 00 01 (in France).

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 Disclaimer: The information in the above article concerning taxation is based upon our understanding of the taxation laws and practises in France at the time of writing. These taxation rules are subject to change and as such, Kentingtons cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur. The information in this article does not constitute personal advice. Individuals should seek personalised advice in relation to their own situation.

Author: Robert Kent

Author: Robert Kent


Robert, a founding member of Kentingtons, has over 30 years of experience in tax and wealth management. He previously advised internationally at HSBC and Towry Law before moving to Brussels, where he specialized in French financial planning.

After working in the French Riviera as a regional manager for Siddalls, he founded Kentingtons to provide expert guidance on wealth management, taxation, and financial planning in France. Among the first certified advisers in the country, he offers counsel on both fiscal and civil law.

Robert regularly writes about finance and taxation for publications such as The Connexion as well as on the Kentingtons website.

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