Whether you have already retired or thinking about retiring to France from the UK, it would be understandable if you saw the process largely in terms of choosing where to live in the country and purchasing a property, rather than necessarily devoting a lot of your...
Tax & Tax Planning
PACS in France (Pacte Civil de Solidarité): What You Need to Know
Since November 1999, it has been possible for couples living in France to get a PACS, or “se Pacser”, meaning a Pacte Civil de Solidarité. The easy way for those in the UK to understand a PACS in France, is that it is the French equivalent of a civil partnership,...
Cross-Border Capital Gains Taxes for French Residents: Essential Insights and Strategies
Today we shall try to de-mystify an area of cross-border finance that can cause a great deal of fear and trepidation! To this end, we shall consider what capital gains taxes are paid, and where, by French residents selling assets they own outside of France. The...
Preparing your long term financial future when moving to France
One assumes that you do not just wake up one morning and say, “I think I’ll move to France this week”... On second thoughts, perhaps you do! But even if you think it, you are unlikely to follow through immediately with your newfound dream. The point is, moving...
What is French Gift Tax (“Droits de Donation”)?
For anyone relocating to or already living in France, it is crucial to consider their finances carefully. One subject that we are frequently asked about here at Kentingtons is French Gift Tax, otherwise known as “Droits de Donation.” French Gift Tax is an integral...
What to do with a UK ISA When Moving to France?
There are many people either moving to or living in France, who have Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) in the UK and ask us what they should be doing with them. Some people have been saving in them since their inception in 1999 and have a substantial amount of money...
How to Move from the UK to France More Tax-efficiently
Given its proximity to other European countries – including the UK itself – and the rewarding and varied lifestyle that it promises, it should be no great surprise that so many Britons choose to relocate to France at some point during their lives. If you are one of...
Trusts vs Assurance Vie: What You Need to Know
In the UK and, indeed, many “Anglo-Saxon”, (as the French say) countries, trusts are a part of life for everyday financial, family and inheritance planning. We use them to ensure that our beneficiaries get what we want them to and in accordance with the timing and...
How is income from UK assets taxed in France?
While we’re sure that you will want to spend plenty of your time as an expatriate in France immersing yourself in the kind of charms, amenities, and culture that you wouldn’t be able to expect in the UK, you will also probably wish to retain at least some aspects of...
What is the UK/France double tax treaty? And what does it mean for people living in France?
If you have moved from the UK to France, and now reside in the latter country, you will need to be aware of matters concerning taxation – including whether your circumstances necessitate you completing a French tax return, and whether you may also still be liable for...