
Investments After Brexit

Investments After Brexit

First and foremost, Christopher Davenport apologies for depriving you good and loyal people of your habitual trusty host, Mr Robert Kent. I blame myself and Microsoft Teams, as I made the subject suggestion in a meeting and was then cheerfully thanked by Robert for...

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Investing in TINA

Investing in TINA

If you have money invested in France, you might cast your eye over French financial news every once in a while. If you did, you would see that funds known as “fonds en euros” are a hot topic at the moment and have been for some time. The reason is that since 1818,...

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It Is Hard to be an Investor

It Is Hard to be an Investor

When it comes to your money these days, it is hard to know what to do. Interest rates are 0.10% in the UK and 0.0% in the rest of Europe. This has led many people to add more of their money to the stock market, or even invest this way where previously not considered....

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It Is Hard to be an Investor

Counter the Cost of Investing on You AND the Planet

When it comes to the financial world, you will find one acronym after another and be expected to understand what is going on. A company I used to work for, used to talk about ‘Three Letter Abbreviations ‘or TLA’s; itself a TLA; coming from a company whose own name was...

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Quel est le plus « rentable » ?

Quel est le plus « rentable » ?

I recently received an enquiry which simply said that they had inherited some money and asked, “What would you suggest we do with the money; buy a rental property or invest in the stock market?”. This question is not at all unusual, so a great topic for this space....

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An investment designed for the British living in France!

With Sterling weakened against the Euro and uncertainty caused by the credit crunch, where does one place their money? Should one invest in the UK or France, Sterling or Euros? Maybe money could be placed in some offshore tax haven, with the possibility of arousing...

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