Articles by: Robert Kent

Robert Kent

Robert Kent


Robert was an original founder of Kentingtons and has been working in tax and wealth management for over 30 years.

Robert was as a senior adviser for HSBC, in London, and ended up specialising solely on giving international advice to people from all over the world.

He then went on to work for Towry Law’s international division managing Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg, working out of both the Windsor office and Brussels. Robert always wanted to expand into France, however, this was resisted by management who felt France was too complex.

Robert was then headhunted by a firm with an office in Brussels and was delighted to leave the UK to have his first experience living life as an expat. This is where he met his wife, Christine, who is a also a director of Kentingtons. It was whilst in Brussels, that Robert’s interest in France developed further, as many people who worked in Brussels chose to retire there and became the specialist in all matters French.

Christine being half French and half Belgian, was only too happy when Robert took up a new position on the French Riviera as south east regional manager for Siddalls, so finally achieving the dream of moving to France. Christine became pregnant with their first child and this coincided with a colleague leaving and Robert having to cover two regions. Unable to cope with the extra travel and workload, he parted ways with them and set up Kentingtons.

Kentingtons is a French based company, set up as Conseil en gestion de Patrimoine and Robert was one of the first advisers in France become certifié (certified but akin to chartered in the UK) and as such is able to offer advice on both fiscal and civil law, where related to financial planning, as well as offering wealth management counsel and management as Conseil en Investissement Financier.

Robert, lives with his wife Christine and their son Alex in sunny Provence. When not working Robert enjoys hiking, swimming and joys French fine wine and cuisine.

Articles by Kentingtons

Pension planning for UK expats living in or moving to France

Pension planning for UK expats living in or moving to France

If you want to retire in style, what better place to enjoy it than in France? Whether you want the excitement of the French Riviera or the tranquillity of Provence, France has fabulous cuisine, wine and sunshine to make retirement a new beginning. Like anywhere,...

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How French forced heirship rules affect estate planning

How French forced heirship rules affect estate planning

To say that succession planning can be a complex subject for UK nationals living in France would be an understatement. Much of this complexity concerns the concept of “forced heirship,” whereby children of the deceased have a right to a minimum share of the latter’s...

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What you need to know about succession planning in France

What you need to know about succession planning in France

Protecting our family and those we love and care about is crucial to financial planning, so succession planning is vital… especially when moving to or living in France. However, those moving from the UK to France will need to take this subject particularly seriously,...

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What is French Gift Tax (“Droits de Donation”)?

What is French Gift Tax (“Droits de Donation”)?

For anyone relocating to or already living in France, it is crucial to consider their finances carefully. One subject that we are frequently asked about here at Kentingtons is French Gift Tax, otherwise known as “Droits de Donation.” French Gift Tax is an integral...

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What to do with a UK ISA When Moving to France?

What to do with a UK ISA When Moving to France?

There are many people either moving to or living in France, who have Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) in the UK and ask us what they should be doing with them. Some people have been saving in them since their inception in 1999 and have a substantial amount of money...

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How to Move from the UK to France More Tax-efficiently

How to Move from the UK to France More Tax-efficiently

Given its proximity to other European countries – including the UK itself – and the rewarding and varied lifestyle that it promises, it should be no great surprise that so many Britons choose to relocate to France at some point during their lives. If you are one of...

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What is Assurance Vie and What are the Tax Benefits?

What is Assurance Vie and What are the Tax Benefits?

Ask most people, and wherever they happen to live, at a given time, they will probably say that they value tax efficiency and effective estate planning – and rightly so. If you have recently moved from one part of the world to another – for example, from the UK to...

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